Parliament of Australia: Legislation;
The Governor-General Amendment (Salary) Bill 2024 amends the Governor-General Act 1974 to set the salary for the next Governor-General, Ms Samantha Mostyn AC, prior to her swearing-in on 1 July 2024.
Section 3 of the Constitution provides that the salary of the Governor-General shall not be altered during their continuance in office. The Bill amends the Governor-General Act to change the sum payable for the salary of the Governor-General from $495,000 to $709,017.
In line with past practice, the proposed salary is calculated by reference to the estimated average salary of the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia over the notional five-year term of the appointment of the Governor-General. Where, in the past, a Governor-General has been the recipient of other Commonwealth entitlements - such as a judicial pension - the annual salary has been adjusted accordingly. Ms Mostyn is not a recipient of any such
Copy of the bill: